This ranch retreat center is nestled in between widely diverse geographic landscapes; a working cattle ranch immersed in American history, family tradition, and an intense connection to the land. Our work involved an expansion of the residence quarters to accommodate friends, family, ranch hands, and guests for the purposes of fun, recreation, and relaxation.
Additionally, with the construction of a multipurpose event building and traditional outdoor kitchen known in South America as "quincho,”, our team designed flexible open spaces for education and retreat purposes. We were delighted to participate in establishing a comfortable, long-lasting environment that incorporates its connection to the surrounding terrain.
While not specifically a cannabis facility, this project showcases our ability to design an innovative lifestyle concept. As the recreational marijuana industry in particular continues to evolve, we look forward to finding ways to fuse lifestyle and cannabis through design.
Project detail.
LOCATION: South Central New Mexico
TYPE: Hospitality / Recreational
SIZE: 4,657 sqft
YEAR: 2019